China Doll (film)

China Doll a.k.a. Time Is a Memory is a 1958 romantic drama film set in the China Burma India Theater of World War II and starring Victor Mature and Li Hua Li. It represented a return to films for director Frank Borzage who had taken a 10year hiatus before tackling this poignant, yet offbeat film. N

One night, while stumbling home drunk, he encounters an old Chinese man who offers him a girl, his daughter ShuJen Li Hua Li. Brandon pays him, but when he sees the young woman, he tells the old man to keep her. When he wakes up the next morning, he finds ShuJen there. After Father Cairns Ward Bond, a longtime resident of China, expresses his disapproval, Brandon tries his best to get rid of her, assigning the task to Ellington, a young Chinese boy who speaks English well. Ellington tries to sell her into prostitution, but Father Cairns happens by and takes ShuJen back to Brandon.The priest finds out that ShuJens father was a farmer, but he lost his land to the Japanese invaders. Destitute, he sold his daughters services for three months to feed the rest of his large family. Cairns tells Brandon that, if he were to send the girl back, the old man would return the desperately needed money. So, over Brandons protests, the priest gets him to keep the girl Brandon tells her that she is there only as a housekeeper. He makes Ellington his livein interpreter. ........

Source: Wikipedia